Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'm going to have to find a second job. Working at Blick for 2 years, I'm still making less than 9 dollars an hour, and my hours have officially dropped to about 20 for an indefinite amount of time. There are no more hours they can give out. They can't promote me to manager. They've already cut some of the full-time benefits from the current managers.

So I'll get my second job doing who knows what, try desperately to get the $1400 I need to put down on my new apartment for September, all while raising the other $1500 I need to pay the next two months of rent. I have less than $200 in my bank account.

How am I going to have two jobs and finish all of my work for the Space 242 show? And after that, how am I going to find time for my artwork at all? I'm going to need to work about 45 - 50 hours a week in order to pretty much break even with rent and the bills. What about groceries?

Who are the people who are supposed to help you when everything is impossible? My parents are in debt, my loans are about to kick in, and I just don't see any ends meeting any time soon. I have no one to borrow money from besides a bank, but I have no credit to my name. I have no family to borrow money from. No one.

Andy kept saying, "Just wait for Surtex, just wait for Surtex." Surtex was a bust. I got asked for 2 business cards. There were over 20,000 attendees, and I gave out 2 business cards.

At this point, I need to sell every single piece in the Space 242 show in order to make July's rent. But I also have to pay to have the pieces printed and framed. I don't know how any of this is going to work. I've been applying for art jobs left and right, and I'm getting no responses. I'm applying for grants. I'm going to apply to a frozen yogurt place down the street and hoping they'll start me off as a manager. This is the only plan I have right now, as of one day before I graduate from college.

I don't know how to make this all work.

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